Welcome! (read me 1st)

Welcome! Feel free to discuss anything related to the Janus WebRTC Server (https://janus.conf.meetecho.com).

The old meetecho-janus Google Group was definitely showing its age, so we decided to migrate the discussions to Discourse instead, where we have more flexibility in terms of categories. Unfortunately we could not migrate posts from the old group, but they’ll remain available there as a resource.

As to this new discussion place, the same guidelines apply here as well: as such, please remember this is a community where people try and help each other on a best-effort basis. Since this is meant to be a COMMUNITY, please do help other people with their problems, rather than just asking for it. Our time is precious and limited, which means that in our spare time we will personally prioritise those that do take some time to support others.

For commercial support or consulting requests, please contact us directly instead.