Tagged versions 1.2.2 (multistream) and 0.14.2 (legacy)

Hi all,

I just tagged two versions, one for the new multistream-based master (1.2.2), and one for the legacy 0.x branch instead (0.14.2). Please notice that this version removes the need to install speexdsp as a dependency, since now the required files (jitter buffer) was incorporated as a local dependency within the repo itself.

You can find them here respectively:

Master will now be 1.2.3, while 0.x will be 0.14.3.

Please refer to the changelogs on the repo for info on the changes:

1.2.2: janus-gateway/CHANGELOG.md at master · meetecho/janus-gateway · GitHub
0.14.2: janus-gateway/CHANGELOG.md at 0.x · meetecho/janus-gateway · GitHub
