Help needed with Custom Videoroom (Typescript & serverside)

Hi all,

I installed the latest janus-gateway with npm and added the latest webrtc adapter.
I’m trying to rewrite my older JS code (which works) to use the npm packages.
Right now I have the issue that I’m creating & joining a room, but then I immediately receive ‘End of cadidates’ and shortly after (about 10s) it closes the Peer connection and stops the local stream tracks.

I think I’m pretty far in the process already, but while debugging I’m seeing that the connection state goes from ‘new’ to ‘closed’ so I’m never actually connected?
Meanwhile, in my Chrome network tab I’m seeing that the socket is actually up and sending a keepalive every 25 seconds.

Second to this (if I manage to get this to work) I would love to have a call with someone who’s more experienced also for the server-side.
I already submitted the contact form for the Janus team twice, asking for paid help, without response.

So I’m trying it here;
Can anyone help me alongside and give me tips on what server-settings would be best for my project?

Thanks in advance!

We actually did reply. Maybe it got in your spam folder?

Hi Lorenzo, no I double checked it again!
Can you guys DM me in here? Or try to re-send the response?

Thanks in advance!

@lorenzo please email me at: or (or both just in case) and let me know when you sent an email.
(Feel free to remove this message afterwards)

Got the team to resend the reply to those addresses. Please notice we’ll be busy at the IETF meeting until the end of the week, so we probably won’t get back to you before next Monday.

FYI, we got a Delivery Failed to both addresses: our SMTP server gave up after 24 hours, apparently, because it couldn’t contact the target server. Maybe you can check with your provider why it’s rejecting our mails?

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We sent that right after we read the message :smile:

Got it! In my hotmail spambox. I’ve replied, thanks!