When I try to test VideoRoom demo, the first user(as below we names UserA) start and join the room without get any error and the console log looks like this:
ICE state changed to checking
Remote description accepted!
ICE state changed to connected
End of candidates.
Janus says our WebRTC PeerConnection is up now
then I use another pc to open demo page, join to VideoRoom(as below we names UserB) for test them watch each other, UserA console log always show as below:
Created handle:3894957591728961
Plugin attahed! (janus.plugin.videoroom, id=3894957591728961)
Successfully attached to feed 954715576252214 (UserB) in room 1234
Creating PeerConnection
Preparing local SDP and gathering candidates (trickle=true)
Handling Remote Track
...(more logs)
Remote description accepted!
Create answer (iceDone=false)
Setting audio transceiver to recvonly: object
Setting video transceiver to recvonly: object
Setting local description
ICE state of this WebRTC PeerConnection (feed #1) changed to checking
... (I trace it send some request json to server)
ICE state of this WebRTC PeerConnection (feed #1) changed to connected
End of candidates.
and then I trace it also send a request to server (same behavior as UserA first time join to VideoRoom), but got differece log here:
Janus says this WebRTC PeerConnection (feed #1) is down now
and on UserB webpage, it shows alert message:
No such room
In Janus server console log got:
Oops, error creating inbound SRTP session for component 1 in stream 1?
I test for use default TURN server and ours(use coTurn), then I got the same result. I have no idea why it happened. Is any one can help me? thanks for any advise.
our coTurn Server is test passed on Edge, and Firefox but GoogleChrome is timeout(same as using stun:stun.l.google.com:19302)