Hi ,
I am facing an issue that came up once according to Github Issue,in 2020 : I am using the videoroom plugin with WebSocket for transport. On the client side, I am not getting remote video feed. In the browser logs, I am getting Janus says this WebRTC PeerConnection (feed #1) is down now
. Also, in the server logs, I am getting :
[janus.plugin.videoroom-0x7f2f60006350] WebRTC media is now available
Creating new handle in session 2767800547214632: 4365813807352718; 0x7f2f08008710 0x7f2f60001a60
[4365813807352718] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlling)
[4921079524109836] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlled)
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:939] [4365813807352718] Oops, error creating inbound SRTP session for component 1 in stream 1??
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:940] [4365813807352718] -- 1 (srtp_err_status_fail)
[janus.plugin.videoroom-0x7f2f080067c0] No WebRTC media anymore; 0x7f2f60001a60 0x7f2f60001ba0
[4365813807352718] WebRTC resources freed; 0x7f2f60001a60 0x7f2f08008710
[4921079524109836] The DTLS handshake has been completed
[janus.plugin.videoroom-0x7f2f600083a0] WebRTC media is now available
Creating new handle in session 8862954123206506: 2197508049880721; 0x7f2f60008340 0x7f2f60007af0
[2197508049880721] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlling)
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:939] [2197508049880721] Oops, error creating inbound SRTP session for component 1 in stream 1??
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:940] [2197508049880721] -- 1 (srtp_err_status_fail)
According to the this GitHub issue, I referred to that I referred to, at that time there was an option to use a different version of Cisco libsrtp or to just use SSL certificates for the transports only and leave the default in the janus.jcfg file. Initially, I had those enabled, but I removed them, and I still got the same error.
What am I missing in this case? I have tested on Janus version v1.1.3 and v1.1.0. Currently, I am still on the latest one, v1.1.3. The libs that may be of concern so far are libsrtp2-dev. Additionally, I am using Ubuntu. , This is my base installation guild i have tweaked abit , if it would help to get more info