Oops, error creating inbound SRTP session for component 1 in stream 1

Hi ,

I am facing an issue that came up once according to Github Issue,in 2020 : I am using the videoroom plugin with WebSocket for transport. On the client side, I am not getting remote video feed. In the browser logs, I am getting Janus says this WebRTC PeerConnection (feed #1) is down now . Also, in the server logs, I am getting :

[janus.plugin.videoroom-0x7f2f60006350] WebRTC media is now available
Creating new handle in session 2767800547214632: 4365813807352718; 0x7f2f08008710 0x7f2f60001a60
[4365813807352718] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlling)
[4921079524109836] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlled)
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:939] [4365813807352718] Oops, error creating inbound SRTP session for component 1 in stream 1??
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:940] [4365813807352718]  -- 1 (srtp_err_status_fail)
[janus.plugin.videoroom-0x7f2f080067c0] No WebRTC media anymore; 0x7f2f60001a60 0x7f2f60001ba0
[4365813807352718] WebRTC resources freed; 0x7f2f60001a60 0x7f2f08008710
[4921079524109836] The DTLS handshake has been completed
[janus.plugin.videoroom-0x7f2f600083a0] WebRTC media is now available
Creating new handle in session 8862954123206506: 2197508049880721; 0x7f2f60008340 0x7f2f60007af0
[2197508049880721] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlling)
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:939] [2197508049880721] Oops, error creating inbound SRTP session for component 1 in stream 1??
[ERR] [dtls.c:janus_dtls_srtp_incoming_msg:940] [2197508049880721]  -- 1 (srtp_err_status_fail)

According to the this GitHub issue, I referred to that I referred to, at that time there was an option to use a different version of Cisco libsrtp or to just use SSL certificates for the transports only and leave the default in the janus.jcfg file. Initially, I had those enabled, but I removed them, and I still got the same error.

What am I missing in this case? I have tested on Janus version v1.1.3 and v1.1.0. Currently, I am still on the latest one, v1.1.3. The libs that may be of concern so far are libsrtp2-dev. Additionally, I am using Ubuntu. , This is my base installation guild i have tweaked abit , if it would help to get more info

Try installing libsrtp2 manually, not from repo.

@lorenzo Thanks for the pointer. It seems like the issue was related to the installation of libsrtp2, as I didn’t pass the --enable-openssl argument during the installation/building of the library. I have some questions that I’ve been meaning to ask. In the event of reinstalling Janus, I encountered an issue where I had to install the latest version of libsrtp2, starting from version 2.5.0, but had to roll back to version 2.3 at some point and got stuck there (because of system references) until I managed to use version 2.2.0 as mentioned in the documentation you referenced. How does one properly uninstall Janus? Also, if one just deletes the /opt/janus folder, what other possible areas do we need to remove installation files assuming one used the standard installation method? Additionally, I have to say that the installation of libsrtp version 2.2.0 has been a source of frustration, and I believe it could hinder many users from getting a properly functioning Janus. Nevertheless, thank you for providing the solution.

If you configure /opt/janus as a target, that’s the only folder all Janus files are installed to.

Thanks, installing libsrtp2 manually solved the issue.

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