Videoroom publisher. hangup event occur when the network is disconnected?

There are times when the hangup event does not occur.
Could this be an issue with the libnice library?

Options and versions in use

  • hangup_on_failed=true
  • ice_consent_freshness=true
  • janus 1.2.1
  • libnice 0.1.21

it’s a bit difficult to reply properly without any context here.
Please try to describe the scenario where hangup does not occur, in terms of:

  • available network interfaces (client and server)
  • plugin in use
  • janus logs
  • (ideally) webrtc internals dump

Thank you for your reply.

We are using the VideoRoom plugin. The VideoRoom publisher is an Android mobile client connected via Wi-Fi.
The Janus server is on a wired network and resides behind the same NAT as the mobile client.
The mobile client creates a VideoRoom and joins as a publisher.

When the mobile client’s battery runs out and the device powers off, there are cases where the hangup event does not occur on the WebRTC PeerConnection of the VideoRoom publisher.

What about the events on the transport session? If the device shutdowns, the websocket or the long poll session will be destroyed eventually.

I truly truly appreciate your response ans janus.
I love janus.

What about the events on the transport session?
→ I didn’t understand what you meant. Could you please explain it?

If the device shutdowns, the websocket or the long poll session will be destroyed eventually.
→ I know that already. Since English is not my native language, I couldn’t explain it in detail.
Since I am using a translation tool to write this, I kindly ask for your understanding in advance.

I am developing an application server that manages Janus sessions and VideoRoom handles.
This application server handles creating/deleting Janus sessions and creating/joining/deleting VideoRooms based on client requests.

The Android mobile client mentioned in the comment is a WebRTC client + private client.
This mobile client creates and joins VideoRooms through integration with the application server.
As a result, a WebRTC PeerConnection between the mobile client and Janus VideoRoom Publisher’s WebRTC PeerConnection will be established.

With the configuration settings hangup_on_failed=true and ice_consent_freshness=true applied in Janus.
Under these conditions, if the device shutdowns, ICE consent freshness will fail.
Since the hangup_on_failed option is set to true, a hangup event should be triggered upon failure.

but there are rare occasions when the hangup event does not occur.
I requested help because I need to verify whether the issue is with the development or the application server.

The only explanation for not receiving the hangup event is that the related handle is being detached before. Keep track of the events coming from Janus and check for detach/destroyed.

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Thank you very much. I understand.