Server-Side Audio Transmission to Janus Using Node.js SIP Plugin Fails: Assistance Needed with .wav/.opus File Streaming

Hi, I’m using the SIP plugin to handle registration and other boilerplate tools. However, I’m struggling to send audio from a .wav or .opus file through Janus so it reaches the callee once the callee picks up or answers the call . This setup is server-side, and I’m currently using Node.js. Unfortunately, the wrtc Node.js library isn’t working as expected, or perhaps I’m implementing it incorrectly.

I’m receiving the webrtcup event, but no audio transmission, and my audio senders aren’t transmitting any audio. Additionally, I’m not getting any events to confirm if Janus is receiving audio stream from my Node server. Please can you assist in this

I’m not familiar with `wrtc’. You probably want to have a look at the Admin API to investigate what may be going wrong (ICE, DTLS, something else).

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