Missing remote audio on recording file

Hi. Im wondering if someone can assist me with some strange behavior. Ive implemented a client app using SIP and the calls work perfectly with 2 way audio. Additionally i need the calls recorded so ive used the recorder plugin. Recordings do work but im having an issue where only the local audio is present on the recording. There is no audio for remote present even though it was working fine in the call itself.

Ive tried many different configurations in my template files with no luck.

Here is some of my configuration for reference:

Create Answer:

if(msg.result.status === "preparing" || msg.result.status === 'refreshing')
              jsep: jsep,
              tracks: [
                { type: 'data' },
              success:(jsep) => {
                let body = { request: "start" };
                this.recorder.send({ message: body, jsep: jsep });
              error:(error) => {
                Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error);

Create Offer:

        media: { 
          audio: {
              auto: true,
              recv: true,
              stereo: true
          video: false
			success: (jsep) => {
			  // Start recording with the generated SDP offer
				message: {
				  request: "record",
				  name: name,
				  video: false,
				jsep: jsep, 
			  this.logEvent("Recording started...");
			error: (error) => {
			  this.logEvent("Error creating offer for recorder: " + error);


general: {
    sip_port = 5060              # SIP server port (UDP in this case)
    transport = "udp"            # Using UDP transport

    voicemail = "*97"            # Voicemail extension

    # Enabled codecs for the media stream
    codecs = "PCMA,G729"

    # Enable WebSocket support (for Janus WebSocket connections)
    ws = true

    # Enable token-based authentication for the SIP plugin
    token_auth = false  # Token-based authentication enabled

    # Max duration of a call in seconds
    max_call_duration = 1200  # 20 minutes
    use_sip_info = true

    # Enable proper media handling for recording
    media_mix = true  # Ensures both directions are recorded
    record_audio = true  # Enable recording of both incoming and outgoing RTP streams
    stereo = true  # Ensures separate audio tracks for both parties
	combined = true
    force_audio = true

calls: {
    dtmf_info = true
    call_timeout = 30
    auto_hangup = true


# General configuration for the recording plugin
general: {
    # Path where to store the recorded files
    path = "/usr/local/share/janus/recordings"

    # Enable or disable the generation of recording-related events
    # These events can be useful for monitoring and debugging
    events = true
	# Ensure bidirectional recording
    media_mix = true
    record_audio = true
    stereo = true  # Ensures separate audio channels for both parties
    combined = true  # Mix both RTP streams into one

# Configuration for the recording behavior
recording: {
    # Whether to mix local and remote audio streams
    # If true, the recording will contain a single mixed audio stream
    media_mix = true
    record_audio = true
    stereo = true  # Ensures separate audio channels for both parties
    combined = true  # Mix both RTP streams into one

    # Sampling rate to use for audio recordings (optional, default is platform-dependent)
    audio_sampling_rate = 48000

    # Channels to use for audio recordings (optional, default is 1 for mono or 2 for stereo)
    audio_channels = 2

    # Whether to record video streams (optional, default is true)
    record_video = false

    # Whether to use the video keyframe or start recording immediately
    start_on_keyframe = true

    # Whether to force the format of recorded audio (optional, overrides default behavior)
    force_audio_format = "opus"
	allow_user_defined_names = true

# Debugging and logging options
debug: {
    # Enable verbose logging for troubleshooting recording issues
    enable_verbose_logging = true

Not sure what you mean by that. The SIP plugin supports recording out of the box, you don’t need a separate plugin for recording the SIP calls. You can refer to the SIP plugin documentation for info on how to record that.

Notice that our recordings are always monodirectional. This means recording a SIP call will end up with two separate files for the two legs.

Thanks so much lorenzo. I completely missed the native support for recordings.

I Initially thought the janus.recorder plugin needs to be used as a recorder for sip, whereas its a standalone recorder. Thanks so much for the clarification