VP9 SVC stream via plugins VideoRoom and Streaming


It is possible to pass VP9 SVC stream via rtp_forward feature (VideoRoom plugin) to the Streaming plugin?

I’m trying to reach target, which is providing a full VP9 SVC broadcast feature (one publisher → many subscribers).

I can forward different SVC layers from the VideoRoom publisher, but how to receive three different layers via different ports/pt/ssrc?

What is the right way to configure rtp_forward to provide VP9 SVC stream from the publisher (VideoRoom plugin) to the Streaming plugin?

With SVC you always only have a single video stream, not three as with, e.g., simulcast. So when you rtp-forward you always only forward that single stream. In the Streaming plugin, configure the mountpoint so that it’s aware it’s SVC (both configuration file sample and documentation tell you how).