Plugin for RTSP out of a videoroom

My goal is to build a plugin that is a combination of the streaming plugin and video room plugin. The plugin would, like the video room, establish a webrtc connection from a user and to a user. Additionally, the plugin would create an RTSP egress, take the rtp frames from that room and sending them to something like FFMPEG or GStreamer to create an rtsp endpoint.

Being a newbie to janus plugin development, I am looking for some guidance on how I can build a plugin. Looking at the github repo, I would want to clone the project and develop in the plugin directory?

Is looking at the streaming and video room plugins a good source on how I can accomplish my goal? Any tips on plugin development would also be very helpful!

Thank you :smiley:

Are you sure you need a custom plugin? VideoRoom supports RTP forwarders, which mean you can already send RTP to an FFmpeg or GStreamer application waiting for it.

Oh wow, that is extremely helpful! Maybe I don’t need a plugin. I see the section of the videoroom plugin documentation that talks about the rtp forwarding request. Let me dig into the API some more and do some testing. See if it will fit our needs. Thank you!