RTP Extension headers forwarding in streaming plugin

Hello, we are using Janus streaming plugin for streaming gstreamer generated h264 video.

In my gstreamer pipeline I’m adding abs-capture-timestamp header extension to the rtp stream and expect that janus will forward it to the client’s webrtc stream, but seems like it works not as I expect.

I’m already familiar with PR Add support for abs-capture-time RTP extension by lminiero · Pull Request #3161 · meetecho/janus-gateway · GitHub. I’ve forked “capture-time” branch for adding it to streaming plugin, so in my custom build I do see a=extmap:7 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-capture-time in the SDP offer, but when capturing RTP traffic I see that my extension have been removed and the only extensions are those generated by janus (mid and abs-send-time).

So, I have several questions:

  1. Am I right that janus doesn’t simply forward incoming RTP extension headers?
  2. Is it hard to implement forwarding of abs-capture-time header and it’s value from source RTP to the client’s webrtc?


Seems like I’ve understood how it works and got answers to my questions.

In my custom build I’ve added following:

  1. Added abs-capture-time to streaming plugin
  2. Added forwarding of abs-capture-time header from RTP source to webrtc.

I’m going to create PR with this changes for review.

done: Add support of abs-capture-time extension to streaming plugin and forwarding of it's value from rtp source by IbrayevRamil · Pull Request #3258 · meetecho/janus-gateway · GitHub