MJR packet loss

I am currently working with MJR (Motion JPEG Recording) files and using the janus-pp-rec tool for packet recovery and handling missing packets. However, I’m experiencing difficulties with the output video quality after running janus-pp-rec. Despite attempting to handle packet loss and recover missing packets, the resulting video is not proper and does not meet my expectations.

I have ensured that I’m using the latest version of janus-pp-rec available. I’ve also experimented with different MJR files to assess the recovery process’s performance. However, the issues persist.

I would greatly appreciate your guidance and support in troubleshooting this problem. Could you provide any insights, suggestions, or specific instructions on how to optimize the packet recovery process using janus-pp-rec? Additionally, if there are any alternative approaches or tools you recommend for effective packet recovery in MJR files, I would be grateful for your expertise.

janus-pp-rec cannot invent packets: it just reorders them. If there was packet loss, and this packet loss impacted some frames, you’ll see artifacts in the recording. Nothing we can do about it.