Libcurl and RTSP auth. Recommended version?

Hi, over at zoneminder we use janus to ingest RTSP and restream with minimal CPU cycles. Otherwise, every rtsp stream we need to grab raw, decode the frames from YUV to RGB and then show them to the user.

The issue that we keep coming across is the RTSP auith not working with libcurl4 versions. Current Ubuntu Jammy uses 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.10, which fails on every RTSP auth attempt. Someonme has reported that the current focal version works for them but, it would be great to nail down exactly what a user needs to do for a successful install.

Any advice?

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RTSP auth in curl is currently broken and the authors are aware of that, but unfortunately there’s no fix to my knowledge other than downgrading. You can read part of the (long) discussion here (which was initially an attempt to provide a fix by a third-party), where I explain that it worked for me if I used 7.78 and wouldn’t on newer versions. I contributed a libcurl test to demonstrate the problem, which was merged, but I don’t think the root problem was fixed.

Hi, I found that issue and it has new commits. It seems they added a fix for it in master. I am building and testing it now → rtsp: fix RTSP auth · curl/curl@2bc04d4 · GitHub

Ack, thanks for the pointer! The test 3100 that is mentioned in the commit is indeed the one I contributed, so in that case basic auth should hopefully be fixed.

Oh, turns out I actually knew it was fixed… there’s bagder’s comment on my pull request mentioning the fix, and there’s even my thumbs up emoji on it! I guess I’m getting old :rofl:

LOL! arent we all!

Im building my docker image right now and waiting to test. I will report back how it goes!

Building from master works for RTSP auth again! I have a docker image using new curl → baudneo/janus:testing

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