Reproducing streaming demo


I’m new to Janus and to WebRTC technololgy in general.
I have a use case where I need to stream a live video feed from a camera connected via Raspberry Pi. At this point I can get ffmpeg to stream the video via rtp. The next step now is to get Janus to ingest that stream and make it available through webRTC.

After some fighting with the building process I decided to use a docker image that I found online and it seems to work. However, I cannot get the streaming demo to work. For some reason I get some ICE errors (“ICE failed for component 1 in stream 1”) and have no idea how to even begin to debug this.

Anyway, since my use case is basically the exact same scenario as in the streaming demo, would it be possible to share the exact setup of that demo? And for that I mean the Janus setup, not the frontend code. Is it hosted anywhere I can access? I think I can take it from there.

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards,

Nevermind, the issue was related to Docker. The container was unable to see the host network, even though I set network mode appropriately. Not sure what was wrong there, though.