Janus Setup On A Virtual Machine like Redhat/CentOS7

Dear MeetEcho Team,

Hello and good evening <3

I am interested in understanding the current and future plans for installing the Janus WebRTC server. Specifically, I would like to inquire whether there are any plans to make Janus available for installation via package managers like yum or similar tools. My goal is to simplify the installation process by avoiding the need to manually handle dependencies prior to installing Janus.

Additionally, I would like to know if Janus is available in any well-known package mirrors or repositories that would facilitate easier installation and management.

Thank you for your assistance and for the excellent work on Janus. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Lama Alosaimi

That’s not up to us, but to distro mantainers. To my knowledge, there were some efforts to add Janus to Fedora, but I don’t know the state of that.