Hi group
Is possible connect a raspberry pi (through cli) with a AudioBridge room?
Janus accepts anything that speaks WebRTC, so yes, you can definitely use different stacks (e.g., pion, gstreamer, etc.) to build a cli application around them to connect to Janus.
Thanks a lot, i appreciate your help; i’m newby
how can i used ffmpeg to connect a Audio Room Demo?
FFmpeg doesn’t support WebRTC, but you can use it as part of other stacks (e.g., pion) so that they care part of WebRTC and FFmpeg takes care of the media. There’s also a new FFmpeg WHIP branch that supports WebRTC too, but that would require you to use a WHIP server in front of Janus: we provide one implementation, but it uses the VideoRoom, so you’d have to make a few changes to have it inject in the AudioBridge instead.
Notice that the AudioBridge plugin also supports plain RTP participants, which you can read about in the documentation. I wrote a blog post on how to use that with SIP, but it could be used with FFmpeg too since it does support plain RTP.
@lorenzo thanks a lot for all information i’m reading this.
I’m working in a project: a webrtc intercom (without microphone in a raspi and only audio no video) with raspberry pi and Janus
[Speakers]<–RASPBERRY(cli client) ← Janus Server ← HTML App
I develop a solution with
[Speakers]<–Rapberry (linphone) ← Asterisk Server ← Janus (SIP Gateway)
but i need delete the resources and connect directly the Raspi with Janus.
Hi @lorenzo
I’m resuming this project.
I will appreciate your knowledge in this question:
You know some tool, app, etc that can i use to connect a raspberry with audiobridge plugin? through cli. before to develop a new app.