Janus 1.1.3 audio stopped recording for one publisher

I need to see if this is a known race condition or bug of some kind and if this is addressed in a more recent release.

We are using Janus built from tags/v1.1.3 with the Video Room plugin handling a few hundred rooms per day. The majority of the rooms are recorded. Everything is normally fine, but we had a room with two participants this week where one party’s audio dropped momentarily with an event {“media”:“audio”,“mid”:“0”,“receiving”:false}.

However, in the recordings, we can tell the both parties continued to hear each other. There was never a corresponding {“media”:“audio”,“mid”:“0”,“receiving”:true} for that media stream. The receiving bytes never updated after that, and the subscriber’s sending bytes never updated after that. However, we can tell for certain that the subscriber continued to hear the the publisher’s audio despite the lack of stat updates.

I can reproduce a receiving: false and then get receiving: true if I pause permissions to the mic in a browser and then start permissions again (I’m talking about browser permissions, not enable/disable the audio track). I cannot reproduce the same scenario, though. I know that it is a challenge to fix something that cannot be reproduced at-will.

I have no problem suggesting that we upgrade Janus to a more current release, but I would need to know that this is a known problem that is fixed in a current release in order to justify an update to what otherwise works perfectly fine in our production environment.

I am going to suggest closing this topic. On further review of the recordings, it appears that the audio from one party did actually drop due to lost permissions to the microphone, but the parties on the call resorted to attempting to read lips and to use hand gestures to make up for the lack of audio. Initially it appeared that the parties were fully conversing with each other, but that now does not appear to be the case.

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