Any help is appreciated on this
Outbound call from Mobile App to PSTN
Mobile drops off WiFi to 4G
offerRestart is triggered seen in JANUS and audio is restored on 4G
Inbound call from PSTN to Mobile App
Mobile Drops of WiFi onto 4G
offerRestart is triggered in code but no seen in JANUS logs
*(Error for above is *
{“txID”:“583B36BB-BFE0-4D8F-9281-C4D20A77F6F1”,“type”:“error”,“body”:{“msg”:“Cannot proxy message, webSocket has no webrtcConnection”,“retryable”:false}}
Call falls to 1 Way Audio
Audio out of MobileApp to PSTN
Audio In to MobileApp from PSTN
I have confirmed that at the offerRestart the Auth is successful and all looks ok but when the createOffer happens it is never recieved or seen in the logs at JANUS.
Is this because for an Inbound call we need to do things differently. It seems incorrect. Should we be sending a message for an iceRestart to come down to the MobileApp on the new Authenticated Websocket ?