How to increase the bandwidth in the video room plugin

Hi, I am currently using the videoroom plugin and I noticed that there is a limit of 2mbit in the bandwidth. Even when I select “No limit” in the tab above the local video, the values shown under the remote video (bottom on the right of the video) never exceed 2mbits/s (maximum average around 1.7/1.8). I tried with different networks with much higher bandwidth (ethernet, Wi-fi… ) but the result is always the same. I also increased the bit-rate value in the videoroom plugin configuration file, set bitrate_cap to false without any effect.
Is there a way to remove or at least increase this limit?
Thank you in advance.

That’s a limitation in the browsers, not Janus. I think there are ways to force it to go beyond that, but I can’t remember if there were standard APIs for that. It would be a generic WebRTC API setting, though, so not something Janus related.

Thank you for your prompt reply.
One more question: I noticed that even if the bandwidth is around 2mbps (I was able to reach 1.7/1.8), the video resolution never exceeds 480p. Does also this depend on the browser or is a janus feature? And in case, how can I increase it?
Thank you!

Janus has nothing to do with resolutions: we only relay packets, we don’t modify or transcode them. The resolution you see is what the browser is encoding: maybe when doing getUserMedia you asked for a lower resolution, and the browser won’t exceed that no matter how many bytes you ask it to generate.