How to add comment function when livestreaming with videoroom and streaming plugin

I have a videroom server and streaming server. I use rtp foward stream from videoroom to streaming.
And now I want add comment function in the live ( for both viewer and publisher)
I don’t find document for this, please help me.

Please help me. Or only share user join into streaming

I’m sorry but I have no idea what you mean by “comment function”.

I use “videoroom plugin” broadcasting video and “streaming plugin” for watching video. I want the broadcaster to be able to know who is watching, and the viewers to also know who is watching, and who is broadcasting. User id can be used for identification.

I’m sorry you can not rely specifically on Janus for that since it is more an application specific requirement rather than a core streaming/broadcasting feature.
For that you will need an over-the-top communication and a place to store the info about who is watching who.