Videoroom demo UV4l on Rasberry PI connecting to Janus gateway

Here is the setup.
1.) rasberry pi running UV4l with Janus installed.
2.) Janus gateway on a separate ubuntu vm.

When running the demo videoroom page within rasberry pi uv4l janus page I can see the cameras attached to the pi on the 1234 demo page.

When I change the gateway URL to my hosted Janus gateway it seems there is no connection made from the pi cameras to my Janus gateway server. (non demo server)

I can however connect web cams attached to pc’s and see the video feeds connect in the room and see the video.

I am assuming I am missing a configuration setting somewhere on my janus-gateway installation.
I could really really use some assistance on ideas of what I could be missing.

UV4L Janus is not a project we manage. You may want to ask the author instead.