Video recording *video.mjr plugin videocall rotate 180 degree on mobile

When call video, everything is work correctly.
Web to web, recording work too.

But when receive file *video.mjr. from moblie, screen is rotate 180 when switch camera.

That’s probably because you used the video-orientation extension in the call. The post-processor doesn’t transcode the media so it can’t rotate it for you, that’s up to you do do yourself after using it. The output of janus-pp-rec will tell you if there’s rotation involved.

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show me how to check the video is rotated using janus-pp-rec

If you call janus-pp-rec on an mjr file with -e it will generate a JSON object with some info, including when rotation was detected. Of course this will only work if the mjr file contains the video-orientation extension ID; if it’s missing, you will have to specify the right one yourself:

I’ve aready used the janus-pp-rec -e but sometimes the time of rotating is correct, somtimes is not. What can I do.

Please help me. I really appreciate your answer

I update janus pp rec version to 1.x, which have option -e, i switch camera 5 time,but the information received has 4 items in resolution, first time alway 0.xx s. wrong time and wrong ts attribute.

The reason you always see one at 0.00 is obviously related to the fact that when the extension is in use, it will tell the starting resolution in the first packet: that’s not strictly speaking a rotation, but a notification of what the starting rotation is. If you rotated more times than you see in the mjr, then it means the browser/app didn’t send a rotation event for all of them.

That said, it’s probably a better idea to just disable the RTP extension if that’s too hard for you to process, or if some browsers don’t support it either.

Thank for your response, shoud I get info rotate from app through call api or websockets. and edit the record rely on it.

So where are you finally? Have u got proper rotation in recordings?