Video/audio doesn't play in the client (UI) player

i have a video player on a UI that is receiving media from a janus server through relay (turn server). i am facing an issue where the media sometimes loads and sometimes it doesn’t.

in janus.js →

function createHandle(callbacks) {
var pluginHandle = {
          session: that,
          plugin: plugin,
          id: handleId,
          token: handleToken,
          detached: false,
          webrtcStuff: {
            started: false,
            myStream: null,
            streamExternal: false,
            remoteStream: null,
            mySdp: null,
            mediaConstraints: null,
            pc: null,
            dataChannelOptions: callbacks.dataChannelOptions,
            dataChannel: {},
            dtmfSender: null,
            trickle: false,
            iceDone: false,
            volume: {
              value: null,
              timer: null
            bitrate: {
              value: null,
              bsnow: null,
              bsbefore: null,
              tsnow: null,
              tsbefore: null,
              timer: null

i’ve tried with both trickle: true and trickle: false
also, i’ve set request.jsep.force_relay = true;

and in janus.jcfg (on the server) →

allow_force_relay = true
full_trickle = false (tried with full_trickle = true as well)

i’ve made an observation in the janus request, response messages from the UI where i’ve seen that when the media doesn’t load, there’s only a single trickle message sent from the UI which is end-of-candidates.
and when the media loads, there are 2 trickle messages sent from the UI, one of which has the relay candidate.
i’ve attached a screenshot of this if that helps.

could you please help? let me know if you need any more configs or logs.

hey @lorenzo, could you please have a look?

I can only guess that sometimes the browser doesn’t get a TURN candidate which you apparently need.

okay, any idea when can that happen and how i can debug further?
i’m using coturn service and it seems to be running even when this issue occurs and i don’t see any error in the service logs

this issue is related - STUN BINDING request timing out