@lorenzo ,
I have created the “multistream” mountpoint in “janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg”.
Below are the image of created mountpoint for your reference:
I iransmit the RTP packet from RTSP stream to Janus using FFMPEG.
Below is the example of ffmpeg command:
ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://rtsp:rtsp@ -c:v copy -an -f rtp rtp://
I have initially received MediaStream for mid=1, but after some second i have received different MediaSTream for same mid=1.
So, my question is why i received multiple MediaStream for single mid ?
Because before the new MediaStream received, i observed the stream goes to loading and after connect again.
Below are the onremotetrack event, where i received track and i fetch the MediaStream from track and attached it to the video element: