Janus video session cannot re-connect when the internet connection drops for 15 seconds or more

Janus video session cannot re-connect when the internet connection drops for 15 seconds or more. The Janus Gateway version is 0.10.4. I tried setting the session_timeout and the reclaim_session_timeout property values in the janus.jcfg configuration file to 120 seconds. Unfortunately, the configuration changes did not fix the problem. I also tried setting the ice_keepalive_conncheck property to “true” in the Janus config file and increasing the max-allocate-timeout value in the Coturn server’s turnserver.conf file. None of the solutions worked. I am lost at this point. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

I fixed the video reconnection issue by upgrading the Janus Gateway server to version 1.2.0 and sending an offer with iceRestart=true upon ICE disconnection.

Hi @njebaraj are you using janode? If yes, on which socket event did you set the iceRestart to true? if no, where did you set the iceRestart to true. Thank you

@anopta , The Janus’ Javascript API documentation has a sample code to restart ICE. You can find it under the “ICE restarts” section. JavaScript API . You will need to call the following createOffer function when the newState value changes to
“disconnected” in the iceState callback function.

iceRestart: true,
success: function(jsep) {
echotest.send({ message: { audio: true, video: true }, jsep: jsep});