Janus carshes randomly

The server carshes occasionally. What could be the reason.

The current server size - aws c6i.large.

The maximum incoming streams at any given time - 20

The maximum clinet sessions - 40

I didn’t see any CPU or Memory spikes in aws console.

Please guide on server sizing.


Note - Stream resolution is 640x360

Check the open files limit (ulimit -n).
Default for most distros is low (e.g. 1024) and will make Janus crash when sessions number is increasing.
Anyway stdout and/or core dumps will give you an idea of the reason.

Thank You. Will change the ulimit and observe.

Should the opened files limit be the case only if Janus is recording mjrs? Or Janus keeps some other files opened during calls?

Sockets, pipes, actual files everything counts as “open files” in Linux.

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