Is there an API that supports adding streams incrementally without renegotiation or interrupting active publications?

When publishing 3 streams from an Android device via Janus VideoRoom plugin, attempting to add a 4th stream using configure triggers SDP renegotiation and interrupts existing streams. Is there an API that supports adding streams incrementally without renegotiation or interrupting active publications?

or I use configure API in a wrong way?
This is the configure DOC
> As you can see, it’s basically the same properties as those listed for publish , with the addition of a streams array that can be used to tweak individual streams (which is not available when publishing since in that case the stream doesn’t exist yet).

Renegotiations will not interrupt existing publications, unless you’re doing something wrong on the client side. That’s up to you to do on the client side, in order to generate a new SDP for the VideoRoom plugin. Our janus.js sample reference library has a tracks mechanism to add new tracks easily.

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