How Janus Streaming plugin work for RTSP to HLS

@lorenzo @atoppi ,
I have a requirement to get HLS stream from the Janus.
We are following below process to stream WebRTC.

  1. Create mountpoint
    request: “create”,
    admin_key: “Password123!”,
    type: “rtp”,
    id: 2,
    media: [
    type: “video”,
    mid: “2_camera2”,
    label: “Camera2_SD”,
    port: 5002,
    pt: 96,
    codec: “h264”
    permanent: true

  2. Run ffmpeg command that take RTSP stream as an input and RTP stream as an output:
    FFMPEG Command:
    ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://rtsp:rtsp@ -c:v copy -an -f rtp rtp://

  3. Sending watch request from web to mountpoint id
    request: “watch”,
    id: 2
    streamingHandle.send({ message: body });

We have received stream. and we are able to watch the webrtc stream on web.

So, my question is how we implement the HLS solution with the below streaming architecture ?