HMAC-Signed token authentication

I have configured Janus, and it works great with the “Stored token based authentication mechanism”. However, when trying to implement “HMAC-Signed token authentication” for the videoRoom plugin, I am unable to authenticate. I generate a code like: “1724437402,janus,janus.plugin.echotest,janus.plugin.videocall,janus.plugin.videoroom:6vGyTy5xuf/85+zWCgyVIybwE7g=”, I added token_auth and token_auth_secret to the config, then I try to connect on the web client side using janus.js:

// Create session
janus = new Janus({
    server: server,
    iceServers: iceServers,
    token: "1724437402,janus,janus.plugin.echotest,janus.plugin.videocall,janus.plugin.videoroom:6vGyTy5xuf/85+zWCgyVIybwE7g=",
    success: function() {
        // Attach to VideoRoom plugin
            plugin: "janus.plugin.videoroom",

And I get the error: Unauthorized request (wrong or missing secret/token). What am I doing wrong?

Please refer to the documentation for more info:

I read it twice, in case of “Stored token based authentication” everything works fine as expected, but with HMAC-Signed token I don’t understand yet what I’m doing wrong. Maybe I’m transmitting the token from the web incorrectly? I’d be very grateful if you could point out my mistake more precisely.

The documentation says

HMAC-Signed tokens are ONLY available for the VideoRoom plugin

.Why @Nikolay is using signed tokens for
