Failed to add some remote candidates (added 0, expected 1) - Warning

Hello all,

I compiled and installed Janus 0.13.4 on an Amazon EC2 server (Ubuntu 22).

When I try to test “VideoRoom demo” audio and video streams are published and received by participants, but i always get the following warning message on the server:

[WARN] [6637365782759827] Failed to add some remote candidates (added 0, expected 1)

I configured the server as follows:

nat: {
nice_debug = false
ice_lite = false
nat_1_1_mapping = {PUBLIC IP}
keep_private_host = false
ice_ignore_list = “vmnet”

log-to-stdout: true
log-to-file: false
data_channels: false
accepting-new-sessions: true
session-timeout: 60
reclaim-session-timeout: 0
candidates-timeout: 45
server-name: Janus
local-ip: {LOCAL IP}
public-ip: {PUBLIC IP}
ipv6: false
ice-lite: false
ice-tcp: false
ice-nomination: aggressive
ice-keepalive-conncheck: false
full-trickle: false
mdns-enabled: true
min-nack-queue: 200
nack-optimizations: false
twcc-period: 200
static-event-loops: 8
loop-indication: false
api_secret: false
auth_token: false
event_handlers: false
opaqueid_in_api: false

glib2 2.72.4
jansson 2.13.1
libsrtp libsrtp2 2.4.2
libcurl 7.81.0
crypto OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022

What could be causing the warning message?

Thanks in advance,

Try disabling mdns if you don’t need it.

Thanks for the reply Lorenzo, I tried disabling the mdsn parameter but it always shows me the same warning message.
On the 0.10.x version that I had previously installed it was not shown.
What does that warning message mean? could it depend on the version of some library?