Client over openvpn


My Janus gateway is hosted in a private network. Some clients need to connect over VPN to the videoroom plugin, but the connection stucks when looking for an ice candidate.

Over the LAN works.

This is my janus configuration:

media: {
	ipv6 = false
	rtp_port_range = "20000-40000"

nat: {
	full_trickle = false
	ice_nomination = "regular"
	ignore_mdns = true

	keep_private_host = true

plugins: {
	disable = ",,,,,,,,"

transports: {
	disable = ","

If I look into the log-file for debugging, I notice that the client tries it’s VPN IP as ice candidate. Could this be the problem?

This is my OpenVPN configuration on clien side:

dev tun
proto udp
remote <remote-ip> 1194
resolv-retry infinite

Thanks for any advice!

i haven’t run to this issue tbh, but have you taken a look on TURN and STUN servers configuration … they might lead to something

@lama I have solved it by installing a local TURN server.

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This is amazing @andries I’m happy it worked out!
I’m also happy of my lucky guess :sweat_smile::pray:t2: