After add_remote_publisher return rtp port .can push video to this rtp port with ffmpeg?

let add_remote = {
request: “publish_remotely”,
room: myroom,
publisher_id: publishid,
secret: roomsecret,
remote_id: remote_id,
host: host,
port: parseInt(rtpporttext),
rtcp_port: parseInt(rtcpporttext),


ffmpeg -re -i 1.mp4 -an -vcodec libvpx -f rtp rtp:// -vn -acodec libopus -f rtp rtp://
run this cmd is ok. but the web client not see the video. use js to publish_remotely is ok.

can i use ffmpeg to push the video to the video room? how?

You need to craft the right SSRC, since remote publishers multiplex multiple streams on the same port and the SSRC is used for demultiplexing. See the last bullet point on SSRC aritmethics here.